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A Solution Option

Peter Kam Fai Cheung SBS

In 2005, a familiar Harvard Kennedy School professor wrote to me, suggesting that I should attend his week-long executive education program on "21st C Leadership". The direct marketing enabled me to get the necessary support to reconnect with him and others there for the last time. One non-obvious take-home message was never to rule out a solution option despite how infeasible it might seem at first.

For decades, I had hoped that creative people would volunteer to write a song or two to add soundbites and mood in significant events I organized. I had ruled out the option that I myself the person could be a solution, as I did not have any formal music education. But my long-time wish would still be a wish if I did not re-appraise the situation by hypothesizing to write them myself since 2010.

When I retired, my knowledge management goal was to document my existing and future literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. I thought I needed people or institutions to help me with the capturing, publishing, playing, recording and marketing, or at least, in designing, building and maintaining my websites. But, little by little, I have learned and done everything by myself, deriving the sense of achievement at the same time.

Awhile ago, an IT problem surfaced and the easy solutions that worked before did not work anymore. I re-assessed the situation and created further and better hypotheses. I verified and falsify them by actions one by one, and again, resolved it myself!

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