Between 1986-1987, I studied Space Law in London and followed the evening lectures of the Space Law pioneer, Professor Bin Cheng. Space Law is not about the law of other stars but is about worldly legal relationships in Space. I aimed high, and Space Law enabled me to rise high above the Earth, although I was also studying Sea Law and Air Law then.
Instead of exploring other celestial bodies, remote sensing is an earthly-oriented aspect of Space Law. Remote sensing, in my view, is (1) the observation of an object or phenomenon by a recording device without having any direct physical contact with the observed object or phenomenon (eg from Space down to Earth), and (2) acquisition of information via primary and processed data analyses, and knowledge via inputs of data and knowledge from other sources. Sensing objects and phenomenon from far away provides new measurements, meanings and insights as to how things fit in the broader ecological system, empowering earthly institutions to anticipate what is coming.
In 1986, the United Nations resolved 15 "Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space", covering (1) remote sensing activities (Principles II-IV), (2) roles of States having the space-remote-sensing capabilities, other States and the United Nations (Principles V-IX), (3) common goals (Principle X-XIII), and (4) definitions in Principle I, State responsibility in Principle XIV and dispute settlement in Principle XV. Principle II suggests that: "Remote sensing activities shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interest of all countries...". Principle X aspires that:"Remote sensing should promote the protection of mankind from natural disasters..."
While remote sensing has been used in post earthquake damage assessment, scientific researches are heading in the direction of earthquake prediction. In 2018, Mainland China will launch an electromagnetic surveillance artificial satellite that has new capabilities to intercept and collect data of electromagnetic emissions. As abnormal electromagnetic emissions could be earthquake precursors, the timely data or information collection and dissemination via remote sensing would achieve one of the common goal for the benefit and in the interest of all!