What do you associate the expression "Great Harmony"with? Having recently visited the Yamato Museum at Kure, Hiroshima, I would associate it with the sunken Japanese battleship "Yamato" or "Great Harmony". One chronic problem the civilization has been facing is the use of violent means to resolve conflicts.
Everyone has a social role to play and hierarchies occur in all societies, and also in practical international relations. Are there any psychological cure to humans' deliberate crave for power, desire to advance personal or racial authority and interests? Can the use of force to achieve individual dominance be replaced by the One-in-all and all-in-One great harmony?
Conflicts are settled either by might (strength, weapons and skills) or right (societal and international laws), and both are violent by nature. While physical fights or battles are obviously violent, law imposes the duty of obedience on subjects within the hierarchical structure. Even war was outlawed under the Kellogg-Brian Pact 1928, international and domestic armed conflicts persist.
When would the human race learn to have emotional ties with each other to develop the great harmony spirit? Could we all try to divert our aggressive instinct to find expression in constructive matters such as creative and cultural developments? I believe life is full of promises and everyone should have the natural right to live it peacefully!