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What Actually Makes Perfect?

Peter Kam Fai Cheung SBS

Can you draw at all? When I first learned drawing, one of the basic skills I had to build was to draw straight lines freehand. I practised and practised but did not make perfect, and you should know what happened in the end.

Not only that I cannot draw, but I also find it hard to write an unedited cheque at one go. My writing hand seems going faster than my eyes, and my brain does not correct my writing hand quick enough. Through repeated practice to prioritize accuracy over speed, I am doing well now.

When my wife and I visited Chaingmai's Sunday Night Market on February 4, 2018, we were amazed to watch a Thai street artist at work. He was using fiber-tipped pens to create radiant straight fine lines and intense colours on white T-shirts that were meant for sale. We could discern that he was very focused, had great eye-hand co-ordination, not to mention judgment and confidence.

The sight reminded me of my first drawing lessons and my cheque writing practice. The Thai street artist's perfect practice really makes perfect. To show my admiration and to encourage myself to do better, I bought a neat, orderly, freehand straight-lines T-shirt from him - the real evidence of what actually makes perfect!

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