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Humans' Fallibility

Peter Kam Fai Cheung SBS

Is power a good test of a person's character? Under pressure, we conform to societal standards and norms and things would become easier for us. But if we are given uncontrolled and extended power to direct the behaviour of others, it would bring out who we really are eg whether absolute power really corrupts absolutely?

When a person is entrusted with power, s/he feels the political and moral identity eg the impact of her or his decisions on others. Power might heighten a powerful person's political and ethical tendencies eg to do what is politically and morally expedient. The real challenge is whether s/he can balance the common good against self-interest.

Uncontrolled or extended power lures humans to take shortcuts. While things might get done effectively and efficiently, the execution may not conform to established standards and norms. At the sovereign level, huge impact would be felt on civil and political, economic, social and cultural fronts.

Having been subjected to power and exercised power in institutions before, I think issues that cannot be discussed with candour degenerate. Uncontrolled or extended power reinforces structural shortcomings, making it harder to turn around. I strongly believe humans' fallibility increases and lengthens as their power increases and lengthens!

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