Although I do not need to have Friday on my mind as a self-employed, I felt I deserved some relaxation today. Learning from a film review about exotic scenes in an over 120-minute action movie, I decided to see it after my morning swim. I believed the possible pleasure of watching it while examining its beats, acts, dialogues and photography should make my day.
Having felt near-nonstop audio and visual effects, I left the cinema, like after watching other action films, with nothing. While I was satisfying my tummy during tea time, a cousin whom I had not met for years bumped into me and we had a good chat. Not only that I heard his over 50-year old diamond business was still doing well, I also recalled scenes in the 1960s when we discussed learning English.
Later, I got a message from a visiting young Australian lawyer that he was in town. Having quickly fixed our meeting at Admiralty, I went back to my Chambers to collect a cheque and did some legal research at the High Court Library. When I met the young lawyer at a juice bar, I identified a business opportunity for him to recognize so that he might capitalize on it.
It was eight o'clock pm when I began drafting this blog post before taking my evening swim. I find that an upside of the small but compact Hong Kong is that one may have many mixes and matches, and get many things done in a day. While I get transient sensual pleasure in fictional film sequences, they cannot be as exciting and delightful as the little real things that I enjoy in a day in my life!