Many of us were born and raised in Hong Kong and contributed in our special ways to make the Hong Kong as we know it. "Hong Kong", as an identifier, is a badge of origin to distinguish it from other cities. "Hong Kong" as a brand may be perceived as the quality of its environment, its population, its administration and its relationship with others.
As things are developing fast in the dynamic context, there are always opportunities for enhancement on anything so that we can capture or deliver more value. A simple strategy is to ride on what we have and make something out of something. To advance the common good, should we work together initially with small steps to make the Hong Kong brand anew?
If you look at the sign "Hong Kong" or "香港", it is a geographical or political name or mark. You get the same message when listening to the names of "Hong Kong" or "香港". Would it be refreshingly different if we and others would associate with "Hong Kong" or "香港" through smelling fragrances or its signature fragrance?
I have a vision that Hong Kong is destined to live up to its name as a "Fragrant Harbour". Riding on the concept, we can innovate, make or trade anything associated with fragrances in Hong Kong or along the Belt and Road. One small step Hongkongers can take is to print and distribute scented name cards, or use or present USB souvenirs with aroma diffusers!