As it never snows in Hong Kong, Hongkongers including my family treasure the opportunity to see snowing and play in the snow. Apart from doing ice-skating in Hong Kong, we would go skiing once in a while. In 2015, my sons and I went skiing in Seoul, and my younger son showed his talent.
In 2016, I booked an irresistible Niseko ski package and went with my elder son only. The reason being that my younger son had to prepare for his Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) exam. I promised him that we would go skiing at the next good opportunity.
My younger son's DSE exam results proved that he could aim high. However, the circumstances thereafter were such that even skiing could not distract his attention to his activities. I shared his priority and did not want any go-skiing arrangement to adversely impact on his pursuit.
Yesterday via Skype communications, my younger son and I finally figured out the good opportunity. I quickly reserved a Niseko hotel room and air tickets to Sapporo. From his messages, I could feel my younger son's very happy anticipation. And that has already doubled my joy!