Act 1
INT. BEDROOM - 07:30
PETER wears a cap and puts on a face mask.
PETER (V.O.): My main agenda today is to take part in a conference.
Grabbing his smartphone, Peter checks the conference agenda.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I'm interested to know how China's new initiatives can accelerate technology commercialization.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Having been to Hainan in 2018, I'm curious about how its IP Exchange can serve IP securitization.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I also want to update myself on the practice and tools to maximize dormant IP assets.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): These topics should excite many. Would I be delighted as well?
Act 2
Bell ringing. An ORGANIZER shakes hands with Peter before opening the Saturday session.
PETER (V.O.): Over 20 years ago, we spoke in a Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Our delivery styles were conversational.
Sitting in a corner, Peter observes the organizer's delivery.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): His style has become more dramatic.
Later, a MODERATOR introduces SPEAKER#1. We hear Speaker#1 sharing about "...whatever works in Guangdong, Beijing follows..."
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Trained in Beijing and in Harvard, he's now in charge of an innovative Lab in Guangdong.
We then hear Speaker#1 talking about " ...proof of concept, proof of product and proof of manufacturability..."
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Value propositions must be visible and tangible to satisfy market needs.
Later, we hear Speaker#2 talking about "...we're the first certified IP Exchange in China..."
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Strong Govt support is important.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): When I championed Hong Kong as an International IP Trading Hub from 2011-2014, I did it nearly single-handedly.
We hear Speaker#2 saying that:...IP assets securitized are endorsed by Govt...
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It's the best traction to accomplish the mission.
Later, Speaker#3 speaks. We hear:...we calculate the monetary value that can be generated from screened and aggregated patents that serve market needs.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It sounds more practical than estimating the value of isolated patents.
Speaker#3 continues:...investors get good return on their IP investment...
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I couldn't lure Hong Kong capitalists to invest on IP assets as property development is an easy business to succeed in.
INT. FOYER - 11:20
Coffee break. As Peter engages him, Speaker#1 recognizes Peter.
SPEAKER#1: Oh yes, Peter! You're the Registrar of Patents...
Later, Peter chats with the MODERATOR.
PETER: You and like-minded entrepreneurs may set up a due-diligence agency to endorse IP assets to be securitized...
A. Corridor. 12:35. PARTICIPANT#1 is engaging Peter.
B. Corridor. 12:40. PARTICIPANT#2 greets Peter, as PARTICIPANT#3 who has non-engaging eye contact with Peter walks past.
C. Corridor. 12:45. PARTICIPANT#1 asks a STAFF to take a photo of him with Peter.
Bumping into Peter, Speaker#3 begins to recognize him.
SPEAKER#3: You're Peter, right! Do you still play the guitar?
PETER (V.O.): I forgot on which occasion he witnessed that...we exchanged ideas when he was still with Intellectual Ventures.
Having nodded, they chat happily for awhile.
SPEAKER#3: I'm still very active. You look good too...
Peter lifts his cap for Speaker#3 to see his white hair before parting.
Act 3
INT. BEDROOM - 23:00
Tapping an AI drawing App in his smartphone, Peter inputs the prompt: "two men chat happily".
PETER (V.O.): For the people I see again, some see me differently and some in the same way.
Seeing a cubist image appearing on screen, Peter looks happy.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It's okay not to be okay. My emotions make me human.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): To me, today is an emotional Saturday.
