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Quarantine 3

Writer's picture: Peter K F Cheung SBSPeter K F Cheung SBS
  1. FADE IN.

  2. Act 1


  4. PETER and his WIFE are discussing.

  5. WIFE: Shall we arrange our younger daughter to come home because of the coronavirus outbreak in the UK?

  6. PETER: Her University term-time hasn't ended and she has to take the University exams.

  7. WIFE: I'm worried about the UK's herd immunity strategy.

  8. PETER: Today is Sunday, let her talk to the University administration and see if the University would accept such a long leave of absence?

  9. WIFE: The social and cultural norms of public hygiene in Hong Kong is a lot better than in the UK.

  10. PETER is nodding.

  11. WIFE: I take her health more important than her University studies. I don't mind even if she has to defer her studies by one year...

  12. PETER (Nodding): True. She is young.

  13. WIFE: I'll look for flight tickets for her to come home...

  14. PETER: Yes. But there's the likelihood that she might not be able to return the UK in summer. So get her prepared to check out her premises.

  15. Peter's wife nods.

  16. Act 2


  18. The TV set is on.

  19. WIFE: I couldn't get hold of any direct flight ticket. But I've reserved a one-way airticket Heathrow - Kuala Lumpur - Hong Kong.

  20. PETER: Oh, the news reports that Malaysia will be under lockdown. I think transit via KL shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, I'll ring the Malaysian Consulate to confirm.

  21. Peter makes a call and speaks.

  22. PETER (Cont'd): Confirmed. No problem. I'll also let our younger daughter know.

  23. Having typed on his phone, Peter gets a Good sticker in return.


  25. PETER: Singapore has become the first country to prohibit even transit passengers. We're lucky that Singapore isn't our younger daughter's transit point.

  26. Peter's wife nods.

  27. PETER (V.O.): I just hope that our daughter can come back in time before the trend becomes the standard.


  29. Peter's wife works behind a computer.

  30. WIFE (Annoyed): Oh, the flight from Heathrow to KL has been cancelled.

  31. PETER: Either the airline's aircraft has been corrupted or few passengers would fly that airline from London to KL anymore.

  32. Peter's wife begins to engage in telephone conversations frantically.

  33. WIFE: The only substitute flight is from Heathrow to Dubai, departing next Monday evening...a day earlier than the previous booking. I like that.

  34. His wife then types on her phone.

  35. PETER (V.O.): Dubai does play its role as an aviation hub.

  36. WIFE: Our daughter says that the storage company didn't collect her stuff on Saturday as scheduled, and they would only collect them next Monday at an unspecified time.

  37. PETER (Nodding) (V.O.): We can control such matters.

  38. WIFE: I've told our daughter to catch the flight back home in time even though she might lose all her stuff leaving behind if they're not collected in her presence.

  39. PETER: True. The UK seems to have changed its strategy and may lock down the country anytime soon. I'm worried about if our younger daughter's land transport from Bournemouth to Heathrow would be smooth.

  40. WIFE: The last resort is to take a two-hour taxi ride.

  41. PETER: Yes.


  43. WIFE: My office is under lockdown again and I can't go back to the office to work tomorrow.

  44. PETER: Hong Kong is under the second wave of coronavirus attack due to returnees from outside Hong Kong. It's quite a health hazard to take the trip back to Hong Kong as well.

  45. Pausing.

  46. WIFE: Now, only the US treats its economy more important than public health.

  47. PETER: Yes, they think they cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.

  48. Pausing.

  49. PETER (V.O.): Is the US overpopulated?

  50. Act 3


  52. Waking up, Peter immediately checks his phone messages. We see a message: Just landed. As Peter smiles, his wife rolls over in bed.

  53. PETER (Gently): Our younger daughter has landed.

  54. WIFE (Excited): Oh, I haven't slept well since her departure on Monday! I can put my heart at ease now. I've arranged a special taxi to pick her up at the Airport.

  55. PETER (V.O.): It's really great that she's about to be home, although we can't get in touch with each other literally for at least 14 days.


  57. A compact space.

  58. PETER (V.O.): Our returning daughter will be quarantined in separate premises where my study and studio are situated.

  59. Reading an email, Peter looks surprised.

  60. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Oh, the Harvard President and his wife have contracted the COVID-19. They didn't know how they contracted the virus...And he still has good news to tell - far fewer people crossed their paths recently than is usually the case...


  62. Peter and his wife are watching news.

  63. PETER: Oh, Prince Charles has also got it. He's also senior to me in age too.

  64. Pausing.

  65. PETER (Cont'd): Due to the COVID-19, a person's reasonable life expectancy can be cut short from years to days...

  66. WIFE: Come on! Don't worry about such eventualities!

  67. FADE OUT.

  68. THE END

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