We do things for a reason - we apply effort to complete tasks, generating or capturing some intrinsic or extrinsic value. While repetitive work would become robotic, arts creation should be different. New perspectives may excite and delight the changing needs and desires of stakeholders.
To put value in our activities has been our role in the invisible value chain. From nothing to something, we create or innovate, make goods or deliver services. We may also facilitate or invest in others' assets by aggregating or collecting them.
To secure income from tangible or intangible assets, we have to market them, which in turn increases the value of the assets. Understanding and applying the general law that governs relationships and transactions is necessary. Furthermore, there is the need to appreciate the creators' moral rights like paternity and integrity in the copyright context.
The economic, social and cultural conditions are dynamic. We can lead change by venturing into something new eg (a) taking a mixed-media, multi-dimensional or multi-sensory approach to creativity, (b) using arts to enhance corporate images or sustain cultural heritage, or (c) becoming aesthetic entrepreneurs and doing related knowledge transfer. I am experimenting on all these fronts and know success would not happen overnight!