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Today Is...

Peter Kam Fai Cheung SBS

"Today is the first day for the rest of your life" - a slogan printed on a merchandise. I find the saying is neither right nor wrong, but the message is relevant, compelling and resonating nonetheless. I believe it has its origin from centuries-old Hindu literature.

Should we worry about what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow? No, we do not need to be stressful about the past and future, if we are good in every way - civilly, politically, economically, socially and culturally. But yes, if we are less than good and justice is grinding its way to us.

We do not just live for today, and the challenge upon us is whether we have mastered the art of living. For whatever we think and do, would they be in conflict with our values eg purpose and societal mores? Are we honest, refrain from violence and work towards the common good?

If we do not love ourselves (eg drug addiction) or act irresponsibly socially or politically, then counting living by days, or years (like age) is right. Instead of passing the time, contemplate living a premier life like the late Zhou Enlai. So I say: "Today is another day for us to add value in life!"

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