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A Persuasive White Paper

Peter Kam Fai Cheung SBS

A business model is a conceptual framework highlighting the structural capacity and support required to create and deliver value to customers to achieve a business goal. A "White Paper" is a British governmental proposal to solve a complex public policy issue. It has become trendy for digital entrepreneurs worldwide to publish "white papers" to highlight and promote the special features and methodology of a solution-based product or service to its stakeholders.

While a business model can be represented in a one-page canvas and its business plan in a couple of pages more, a digital white paper should also be concise and precise - longer than my daily blog posts but shorter than an e-book. The challenge upon any digital entrepreneurs is to document thoughtfully quality particulars that their stakeholders would actually want to read so as to get the messages across and be persuaded.

This blog post is not unlike the outline of the concept and structure of a commercial white paper, or a sub-section of it. A formal white paper should be research-based, have a strategic focus, a clearly defined problem and solution options identified. A white paper should also summarize professionally the concrete solution steps in specific scenarios to meet or exceed the target customers' expectations, exciting and delighting them.

As to the details, a white paper should have a catchy title, and an executive's summary. Taking the structure of this blog post as an example: after the introductory para, the problem is stated in the second para, and the solution in the third. The last para is the conclusion, summarizing key takeaways and reinforcing the subtext that: if you begin with the end in mind, and design and build your business structurally, your should have a persuasive white paper!

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