Having suppressed my wants for years as a tiny accomplishment, I thought I deserved a new phone and bought one in June 2018. Setting it up as new, I found it was not smart enough to know my other wants ie old information. The phone however was quite a camera and I have been using it to take snapshots or selfies.
Having been busy for months, it was only yesterday that I meant to move, for the first time, the images in my phone to my personal computer. Upon connecting the devices, I saw a pop-up computer message asking:"Set it up as a new phone" or "Restore it as phone (2)". Not letting go the old stuff, my head became muddled and I chose the "Restore" option.
After a few minutes, I found I got the old setting and information, but then, I lost all the new ones, as my backup was already full a while ago. Regretting, I "unrestored" the phone, believing that the computer software would do a backup before restoring. It recovered the new Apps, but the images I took in my June-July-August-Sept travels were gone.
Accepting the consequences of my own making, I turned to writing a blog post with a positive theme. As I was inserting a photo before publishing it in Google+, the images I thought could only exist in my mind surfaced. It transpired that the Google Photos App did the backup for me - otherwise I would not have the featured selfie in this blog post!