The other day, a Hong Kong entrepreneur drove me to her business incubator in Shenzhen. I came to know a team of well-educated, experienced and courageous talents devising creative business models. They are committed to launching and running risky new business ventures that might make huge profits.
While general trends like globalization and digitization may be easily recognized, the seizing of new, unique and competitive business opportunities is hard. Entrepreneurs might be too focused on their "solutions" - their gain, without actually identifying their target customers' problems - their pain. If so, capitalization is only wishful thinking.
To support entrepreneurial causes, I examine business models' value propositions, the needs of their target customer segments and the projects' key activities. I analyse and minimize their design weaknesses from the business of intellectual property perspective. I suggest smarter ways to eliminate or remove obstacles to prove the business concept.
To begin with the end in mind should sharpen our focus. I believe the stage is set for entrepreneurs in the Greater Bay Area and time is ripe for entrepreneurs to make a real difference. When the common vision is realized, the Greater Bay Area would become a centre in capitalizing innovation, marketing and intellectual property!