Waking up, PETER grabs his phone and taps the Quora App.
I don't think she knows
protests in China. She
might think Hong Kong
is China. She requested
me to answer.
We see the questioner's question:
Why is China continuing to have so many protests? Have the protesters been successful in their goal? Has it changed anything?
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd)
I appreciate her concern.
Let me find a good angle
to reply.
After surfing the web, Peter begins to type his answer:
Of the notable ones in 2019, there have been protests in Algeria, Haiti, Gaza and Hong Kong, China.
In Algeria, the main goal was successful as the President resigned.
In Haiti, the main goal to make its President resigning is not happening.
In Gaza, the goals to reduce the costs of living and taxation have only been met with crackdowns.
In Hong Kong, China, the successful goals include the resignation of the Chief Executive.
Something has changed in Algeria and Haiti, and nothing has changed in Gaza.
As to Hong Kong, China, the international media have put Hong Kong in their spotlights.
So far, the street fightings in Hong Kong have not resulted in any death.
Some protesters continue the low-risk uncooperative episodes to disrupt Hong Kong's livelihoods.
Some masked themselves to satisfy their crave for violence against the Police and ordinary citizens.
Sighing. Peter taps: Submit.
Peter is having breakfast. KAJI (his pet) is waiting by his side. As Peter throws some bread pieces in the air, Kaji jumps to hunt them.
Relaxing on a sofa with his phone, Peter notices something.
Oh, I've got over 10.k content views. I started
answering just a fortnight
Scrolling down his phone, Peter sees something that makes eyes wide open.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd)
The answer I gave less
than an hour ago has
already attracted 180
views. On average, three
persons read just this
answer every minute!
Focusing on the phone screen, Peter studies another requested question.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd)
This problem question is
hard, and that's why I'd
like to analyse the situation,
express my thesis and
suggest the possibilities.
We see the questioner's question:
Do you think the United States is closer to decline or revival, and why?
Looking up at the ceiling for a while, Peter types his answer:
From the historical perspective, the life of any nations or any autonomous regions is no more than a few hundred years.
Any moving things (humans included), institutional developments eg government v governed have a destined life cycle.
The sequences begin from bondage-hope-courage-freedom-abundance-complacency-indifference-dependence-back to bondage.
US is undergoing the fused sequences of complacency-indifference-dependence eg by printing more greenbacks to support them.
Before regressing into economic and political bondage, President Trump, by design or by default, is right to make America great again.
Deploying US tariffs in his World Trade War to jump-start abundance hastens the sequential complacency-indifference-dependence, making US closer to decline.
US should have the courage to free its trading partners from its economic coercion and collaborate to achieve mutual abundance.
The life cycle of the compact Hong Kong is similar to US. We are also in the fused sequences of complacency-indifference-dependence.
While Hong Kong's dependence on China is growing, I aim to revive Hong Kong by building an international IP-based capital market via Hong Kong.
PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd)
I feel I'm duty-bound as
a HongKonger to act timely
and do something good.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd)
A lot of misinformation and
propaganda have spread
via the media, whether
mainstream or not.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd)
Our mindset is not as rigid
as we think and can be very
flexible. We can be blind to
our choices and preferences.
PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd)
A little manipulation can
make us change even
our political stance.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd)
I'm just trying to help
those who're asking for
my opinions - basically to
discern facts from fiction
and to distinguish right
from wrong. And also,
how to be good!
Peter types on his phone again.