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Kaji: It's High Time

Writer's picture: Peter K F Cheung SBSPeter K F Cheung SBS
  1. FADE IN.

  2. Act 1


  4. Boundary. KAJI leads the PACK LEADER and PETER.

  5. KAJI (V.O.): I was here before.

  6. PACK LEADER: No, not this way, the other way...

  7. KAJI (V.O.): Oh yes. I'm so excited.



  10. Kaji is observing the Pack Leader and Peter.

  11. KAJI (V.O.): Are we going places?

  12. PACK LEADER: Be patient.


  14. Act 2


  16. Ignoring STRANGERS and their MASTERS, Kaji runs straight in.

  17. KAJI (V.O.)(Cont'd): It's quite crowded.

  18. Kaji checks one corner.

  19. KAJI (V.O.)(Cont'd): No earth to scratch. Nothing to dig.

  20. Kaji checks a second corner.

  21. KAJI (V.O.)(Cont'd): Everywhere is concrete. It can't be a good spot to urinate or poop.

  22. As soon as Kaji has urinated, the Pack Leader sprays the spot with water.

  23. KAJI (V.O.)(Cont'd): There's clear blue sky above but no green turf under my feet.

  24. Kaji checks a third corner.

  25. KAJI (V.O.)(Cont'd): I've to settled for this one.

  26. Having left a large poop, Kaji looks relaxed.

  27. KAJI (V.O.)(Cont'd): it's highly satisfying and pleasurable.

  28. After clearing the mess, the Pack Leader throws a tennis ball.

  29. PACK LEADER: It's yours.

  30. As Kaji is slow to chase, a small STRANGER grabs it with his mouth and brings it to MASTER#1.

  31. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): That's not yours, son.

  32. As Master#1 throws the tennis ball, Kaji is again slow to chase. The small Stranger gets it and returns it to MASTER#1 again.

  33. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): I'm in good mood, son; or I'll teach you a lesson to put you back in line.

  34. Kaji stares at the stranger.

  35. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): I'm not fearful of anyone. My tail is curled and is never between my legs.

  36. Kaji sees Peter sitting on a bench under the shade.

  37. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): I belong to the Master class.

  38. Joining Peter, Kaji looks down at Strangers playing around.

  39. PACK LEADER: Don't just sit there! Go and socialise!

  40. Reluctantly, Kaji gets down to the ground. She then sees an unleashed medium-sized gray and white Husky#1 walking past her.

  41. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): I can always keep calm.

  42. Then, an unleashed large gray and white Husky#2 walks close with his mouth opening wide.

  43. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): What do you want?

  44. With his head up, Husky#2 begins whining Woo-Hoo-Woo-Hoo to the air.

  45. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): Terrible! What a beast! I've to be protectively aggressive.

  46. We see Kaji's ears laying tightly back against the head.

  47. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): Why can't I control my ears? What should I do next?

  48. MASTER#2 comes to separate them.

  49. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): If she didn't do that, I may have to charge at her large pet!

  50. Kaji gets close to the Pack Leader and Peter.

  51. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): It's high time we left.

  52. Act 3


  54. Patrolling, Kaji welcomes FRIENDS and their MASTERS at the entrance.

  55. : KAJI (V.O.): Here's my turf.

  56. Seeing a sable and white HUSKEY#3 and his MASTERS entering, Kaji goes to greet them, focusing on Huskey#3.

  57. KAJI (V.O.)(Cont'd): He's still on a leash.

  58. After a brief friendly encounter with Huskey#3, Kaji takes a look a Peter.

  59. KAJI (V.O.) (Cont'd): See, I'm not afraid any more.

  60. Later, Kaji leads the Pack Leader and Peter home.

  61. FADE OUT

  62. THE END

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