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Real Good

Writer's picture: Peter K F Cheung SBSPeter K F Cheung SBS
  1. FADE IN.

  2. Act 1

  3. INT. BEDROOM - BEFORE 05:00

  4. PETER slides to one side of the bed to check time.

  5. PETER (V.O.): It's before, but I've waken up.

  6. Pausing.

  7. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I'm excited about the reopening of swimming pools today,

  8. Peter rolls over in bed.

  9. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): My joints have developed some slight pain. I want to shake them off while swimming.

  10. Pausing.

  11. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Perhaps, let me do that the first thing in the morning.

  12. Act 2


  14. Entry gate. Crowded. Peter passes through.

  15. PETER (V.O.): OK, I'm in. I don't want to be excluded because of any quota.

  16. Changing room. Crowded.

  17. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): People can't wait.

  18. Pool. Peter gets in.

  19. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd). At last! It's real good in the pool water again. When was the last time I came here?

  20. Reaching the pool wall, Peter hears other SWIMMERS chatting.

  21. SWIMMER#1: Long time no see!

  22. SWIMMER#2: Yes, for 4 months already. The pool was closed on Dec 2 last year.

  23. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Although this is the first time I swim in 2021, I just do my usual 1000 meters.

  24. INT. HOME - 08:30

  25. KAJI, the family pet, waits for Peter at the door.

  26. PETER (V.O.): Good girl. I won't forget sharing breakfast with you.

  27. The MAID puts breakfast on the table. Peter eats with Kaji.

  28. INT. BEDROOM - 09.00

  29. Peter is in bed again.

  30. INT. DINNING ROOM - 10:30

  31. Peter is having breakfast with his WIFE this time.

  32. PETER: We haven't gone to the cinema for a year now. What movie should we see today?

  33. WIFE: Stand By Me Doraemon 2? I watched Stand By Me Doraemon 1 in flight many years ago.

  34. PETER: OK! Let's try Star Cinema.

  35. PETER (V.O.): Although I wasn't grown up with Doraemon, my wife and our children are all grown up with it.

  36. From his phone, Peter finds the show times for his wife to consider.

  37. INT. STAR CINEMA - 16:30

  38. After buying the tickets, Peter and his wife also buy a box of Doraemon face masks.

  39. PETER: We'd also buy popcorns and soft drinks...

  40. Then, he sees a notice.

  41. PETER (Cont'd): Oh, eating and drinking aren't permitted inside the cinema houses.

  42. WIFE: Forget them then.

  43. PETER (V.O.): It's a shame that COVID-19 has also broken the chain between movie and popcorn.

  44. Inside a cinema house, Peter and his wife sit on the second row.

  45. WIFE: We're quite close to the screen.

  46. PETER (V.O.): It's good that there're so many cinemagoers.

  47. The sci-fi animation movie begins at 17:15.

  48. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It'd be real good if I could have Doreamon's Time Machine.

  49. Pondering.

  50. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I want to travel to the past and bring those in the past to the present, just for awhile.

  51. The screen is showing end credits and we hear the theme song "Rainbow".

  52. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): The movie moves people. The theme song makes people feel the story.

  53. Act 3

  54. INT. DINING ROOM - 20:30

  55. Peter's wife presents clay pot rice.

  56. PETER: Real good!

  57. INT. BED ROOM - 22:30

  58. Peter's phone is playing the Rainbow song by Masaki Suda.

  59. PETER (V.O.): For two years now, I haven't enjoyed cherry blossoms in Japan. Only our elder daughter who is living there has the privilege.

  60. Peter is studying the lyrics in English and in Japanese on his phone screen

  61. .

  62. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It' real good to watch Stand by Me Doreamon 2 and listen to its Rainbow theme song in Hong Kong.

  63. Pausing.

  64. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Every Hong Kong corner offers a new possibility. Meanwhile, let me develop the habit to swim early in the morning.

  65. FADE OUT.

  66. THE END

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