Act 1
INT. BEDROOM - 06:45
Soft light streaming through the window. Awaking, PETER glances at the clock.
PETER (V.O): Today, I've got to do a welcoming remark in another HKUST event.
Having grabbed his mobile, Peter checks an e-invitation.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): It's an appreciation retreat hosted by the Office of Knowledge Transfer (OKT).
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Apart from welcoming, my key message is to highlight the importance of support in the success formula.
Going to the wardrobe, Peter pulls out a black jacket with pyramid-shaped metal studs on both lapels.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): And I'd close my remarks with my song "Do Good for You & Me". I might not perform it live though...
Peter takes a look of a Martin Backpacker guitar by the bedside.
Act 2
INT. BASE, HKUST - 09:55
Arriving with the Martin Backpacker guitar in a gig bag, Peter speaks to TIFFANY who is working on a laptop.
PETER: Hi Tiffany, in closing my welcoming speech, I'd like to show a MV that I've already uploaded on YouTube. My channel is "Peter Kam Fai Cheung".
TIFFANY: No problem.
Tiffany finds Peter's YouTube Channel.
PETER: Click the item: "Do Good for You & Me" with Korean lyrics...
As Tiffany sets up the connections, Peter looks content. He takes out the Martin Backpacker guitar to do some finger picking. DR KIM appears.
DR. KIM: Hi Peter, your guitar is out of tune...
PETER: Oh, is that right? I tuned it yesterday.
Opening the GuitarTuna app on his mobile, Peter tunes the guitar and passes it to Dr KIM to play. We hear some classical guitar music.
DR KIM: I played some classical guitar a long time ago...
PETER: I have never played classical guitar...I just use the guitar to compose songs...
When OTHERS arrive, some takes notice of Peter and his guitar.
YE: I've an electronic guitar with no strings...
PETER: Yes, without pain, ladies can play.
CAROL: Would you be performing a new song?
As JOE requests Peter and Dr Kim to sit in the middle of the front row, Tiffancy speaks from the stage.
TIFFANY: ...without further ado, Peter Cheung, Chair of the Kowledge Transfer Committee will deliver the welcoming remarks.
Peter steps up to the stage with his guitar.
PETER (V.O): For those who don't know me, I wonder what would they think seeing an old man giving a welcoming remark with a guitar...
As Peter slips the guitar over his head, the strap comes loose and he has a problem in fixing it.
PETER: Hi, Everyone...Welcome...let me start off with a short personal story...
PETER (V.O): I play my due role first...every one likes to hear stories...
We hear Peter talking briefly about....Director of IP...IP trading...talents in HKUST...Knowledge Transfer Committee...OKT...success... formula...the significance of support...making a difference...do good for you and me.
PETER: Let me reciprocate colleagues' contributioin with a song: Do Good for You & Me...
Still holding his guitar, Peter signals to Tiffany to play the MV with subtitles in Korean, Cantonese and English on screen. Instantly, the ambiance shifts dramatically.
PETER (V.O): Seeing the Korean lyrics and hearing me singing in Korean...Dr Kim has become wide-eyed...I want to show my appreciation of his leadership in OKT.
As Peter sings along, we follow him to observe the CROWD swaying gently and clapping along.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Wow, this is success.
When the song ends, the formal and reserved atmosphere returns. When the business of the retreat is done, Yvonne, beaming with admiration, brings a cake to Peter.
YVONNE: You're amazing! Your song is joyful! And you look so sharp. I must have a photo with you!
Having taken the photo for them, WAYNE sends Peter the image. Checking his mobile, Peter sees others sending him images depicting a smiling and smart Peter with the guitar. Ye approaches Peter.
YE: You must compose a song for another HKUST event in Guangzhou...
Another WOMAN steps forward, a bit shy but eager...
PETER (V.O): Can admiration come at any age?
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): When I rehearsed yesterday, I couldn't sing and play my song nicely live. And I need a pre-recorded MV as a substitute.
Act 3
INT. BEDROOM - 22:45
Peter inserts an AI drawing titled: "The Accidental Star..." to a draft on his laptop.
PETER (V.O): From an old man to someone admired, I stumble into recognition and personal growth.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Contrary to my belief, admiration and support can come from unexpected places, regardless of age.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Creative expression has the ability to resonate with people, forge connections, and create a sense of solidarity. I get momentum from the retreat