Act 1
INT. BEDROOM - 04:30
PETER gets out of bed.
PETER (V.O.): I assume I can't go back to sleep again.
Peter turns on his laptop.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I'd better do something rather than leaving it minutes before today's trial.
Peter focuses on drafting something.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I've never done that before. It looks good.
Peter sees morning has broken. Soon, Kaji, the family pet, comes in, staring at Peter.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Our breakfast is ready. I've to set off soon.
Act 2
INT. OFFICE - 08:45
A file in hand, Peter goes to a workstation and sees an empty chair.
PETER (V.O.): My designated assistant today hasn't come back yet.
STAFF#1 walks past and remarks.
STAFF#2: She should be in by 09:00.
At 09:00, Peter's ASSISTANT appears with takeaway breakfast in hand.
ASSISTANT: Mr Cheung, you want me to do some photocopying?
Nodding, Peter passes to the assistant some papers. After a while, Peter sees his assistant reappearing.
PETER: Done?
ASSISTANT: Not yet. I'll do it shortly.
At the bar table, Peter is dealing with some pre-trial matters. His assistant comes in and whispers to him.
ASSISTANT: A witness hasn't turned up despite summonsed. He works night shifts. He might have overslept.
PETER (whispers): Find him urgently! His absence impacts on the proceedings!
Peter's assistant leaves and soon returns.
ASSISTANT: The witness has turned off his phone. He lives far away from here.
PETER: Get someone to knock on the door! I need to explain to court what's happening and what actions we're taking.
Peter's assistant leaves and soon returns.
ASSISTANT: The witness isn't at home either.
We see Peter submitting to court, and after that, the case is stood down.
PETER (V.O): Let me take instructions as to what is the appropriate next step in the circumstances.
INT. OFFICE - 10:30
Peter is discussing with STAFF#2 and STAFF#3.
PETER (V.O.): There's a possibility one doesn't want to come to court at all...
We hear Peter saying: That's the prosecution's case. Then, his assistant comes in and whispers to Peter.
ASSISTANT: The witness is actually waiting outside. He asked me why he wasn't called yet.
A Immediately, Peter submits to the Bench apologetically.
B. We hear Peter's learned FRIEND submitting.
C. We hear Peter responding:... in the interest of justice...
D. We hear Peter's learned friend's last word.
E. Then the Bench makes the ruling.
Then, Peter whispers to his assistant.
PETER: When was the witness here?
ASSISTANT: He said he had been here since 9:30. But I called his name twice and got no response ...He must have been late.
Act 3
INT. BEDROOM - 22:30
Having input the prompt: "Wrong Assumptions" in an AI art generator, Peter sees a cubist image appearing.
PETER (V.O.): Making wrong assumptions causes many negative effects.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I'd be more active in seeking out information, challenge my assumptions and resolve problems more critically.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Better still, I'll desist from making assumptions unless I know the whole story.
Peter looks very tired.
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