To make meaning, every one wants to be successful in his or her chosen endeavours. We are more likely to be successful if we can align value, build capacity and lobby support. Whether the outcome would be good largely depends on our integrity, intelligence and energy.
If we think and act morally, eg being honest and minding the pubic interest, we do not bring ourselves and others associated with us into disrepute. Nor would we diminish others' confidence in us and in them. Integrity generates credibility, and trust is a necessary consideration in interpersonal transactions.
Everyone can learn to be smart, eg being able to analyse the present circumstances to identify trends or to solve problems. If we want to, we can enhance our capacity through our own due diligence. We can always be ahead of the game by planning and moving ahead, enhancing our competitiveness eg in investment or in problem solving.
In order to capture or create value, whether at the visionary, strategic or operational levels, we must have the energy to take timely actions. Not just one-off, but to follow through relentlessly so that there is momentum to sustain the edge. If all these seem easier said than done, we need to discipline our minds to map our way to success!