A teen idol who was just senior to me by four years has died. I liked his 1970 hit, as I was then passionate about guitar playing and wanted to become a guitarist. The much sought-after teen idol was so overwhelmed and exhausted with his early success that he first retired at the age of 24.
From November 20-22, 2017, I had the opportunities of interacting with a dignitary lawyer who is senior to me by 13 years. He told me that he did exercises everyday and did not want to retire. I shared with him the need in adding years to life as well as adding life to years.
Among some high-level intellectual exchanges like the doctrine of equivalents in conferences, the dignitary lawyer has reminded me of the KISS principle - the acronym for "Keep It Simple, Stupid". To simplify complicated and complex systems like intellectual property is particularly hard. To communicate with the audience in a simple and straightforward fashion requires skill sets and is not easy.
It was fascinating to watch the right and honourable gentleman to speak his mind, using whatever adjectives to describe his opinions and emotions. I felt the young's humility which results from their being dependent on someone else in order to do well in a field. Perhaps, having idols one respects as role models is healthy for non-teens too!