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  • Writer's picturePeter K F Cheung SBS

Behind Purple

  1. FADE IN.

  2. Act 1


  4. Walking by a flower bed, PETER notices purple flowers. He captures an image.

  5. PETER (V.O.): My favourite colour has been blue. But now, I'm attracted to the colour purple.

  6. Recalling.

  7. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): When I was living in NT, I saw light-purple wild Morning Glory flowers everywhere.

  8. Checking.

  9. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): While the flowers here don't look like Morning Glory, the shade is similar.

  10. Pausing.

  11. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): After retirement, I've become very fond of flowers.

  12. Pausing.

  13. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): To me, they're like silent music.

  14. Act 2

  15. INT. STUDY - DAY

  16. Peter reads the texts on his smartphone screen.

  17. PETER (V.O.): Purple combines the energy of the red with the calmness of blue.

  18. Reading.

  19. PETER (V.O.): Purple symbolises intuition, creativity and care. It can also support, motivate and uplift people.

  20. Reading.

  21. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Purple can inspire self-reflection and self-awareness too?

  22. Reading.

  23. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It's the colour of the sensitive and compassionate ...introvert?

  24. Recalling.

  25. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): In the late 1960s, there's a rock band called Deep Purple. I love their heavy-metal "Smoke on the Water" and their blues rock ballad "Soldiers of Fortune."

  26. Recalling.

  27. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): In 1986, when the film "Colour Purple" was released in Hong Kong, I missed watching it, as I was preparing to study in UK.

  28. Recalling.

  29. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): In 2007, when the State Department invited me to visit various US cities, I watched Colour Purple in Broadway in New York City.

  30. Recalling.

  31. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): What struck me in the musical was the archaic lyrics: What say you?

  32. Pausing.

  33. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): In Cantonese, it's: You say what?

  34. Pausing.

  35. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Slavery is wrong. But human dominance is diehard.

  36. Recalling.

  37. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): When I was in Charleston in South Carolina, my well-to-do host remarked that lives would be better if labour was readily available.

  38. Pausing.

  39. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): While slavery was unknown in Hong Kong, we all worked very hard to adapt and thrive during the colonial days.

  40. Pausing.

  41. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Unlike the younger generations now, career prosperity then didn't come easy.

  42. Pausing.

  43. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Now, for my wife, she'd say that she's a slave - not of me, but of our family pet.

  44. Pausing.

  45. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): And, without knowing it, anyone can be enslaved by ideologies and environment to think and act in certain ways.

  46. Recalling.

  47. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Can colour purple help awaken them?

  48. Peter shrugs his shoulders.

  49. Act 3

  50. INT. STUDY - 20:30

  51. Peter works on his laptop.

  52. PETER (V.O.): Being a rational person, I can't imagine that I'm somewhat ruled by the mysterious power of colour.

  53. Pausing.

  54. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Colours impact on my emotions, moods and behaviours.

  55. Peter inserts the image of a purple flower in a post.

  56. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I like the colour purple probably because I associate it with my positive experience.

  57. Reflecting.

  58. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): There's wisdom behind purple.

  59. Peter clicks the blue Publish icon.

  60. FADE OUT

  61. THE END

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