Act 1
Peter is studying a file.
PETER (V.O.): For petty traffic cases like this, I've had the experience of disposing of dozens of them in a day if the defendants plead guilty.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): For today, I've just got one for trial, as the defendant pleaded not guilty earlier. I'm very well prepared for it.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Originally, I got another assignment. But I've taken pre-emptive action days ago so that concerned parties need not learn the hard way. So, I deserve a light assignment today.
Carrying a file in hand, Peter chats with his ASSISTANT.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): The defendant should plead guilty.
Act 2
Just before the court is In session, DEFENDANT#1 comes in, speaking to DUTY LAWYER#1.
DEFENDANT#1: I'm late, as the one helping me to take care of my 4 children was late.
After a loud knock, we hear: Court! All rise as the MAGISTRATE enters. A court CLERK reads a case number and the name of a person.
PETER: Your Worship, I'm prosecuting this case.
As nobody in court responds, a court USHER goes outside the court room to call the name. He soon returns.
USHER: Your Worship, no one by that name answers my call.
PETER: Your Worship, I read a file note that the defendant has written to court, pleading guilty to the charge.
The Magistrate checks some papers.
MAGISTRATE: But the defendant still has to appear in court as scheduled. The case is stood down meanwhile.
The court CLERK reads out another case number and the names. As Defendant#1 comes forward, a remanded DEFENDANT#2 appears at the dock.
DUTY LAWYER#1: I appear on behalf of the 1st Defendant. I need to apply for a 20-minute adjournment.
DUTY LAWYER#1: I haven't explained the contents of the Reports to my client...As a matter of fact, he was late. He had to settle his 4 children first.
The session is adjourned. Peter then chats with a fellow PROSECUTOR.
PETER: Does the prosecutor have the duty to secure the presence of the defendant?
PETER (V.O.): But I find it bad just to wait without providing the court with additional information.
Holding a file, Peter leaves the court room to talk to a POLICE OFFICER.
PETER: Could you assist to find out what has happened to the defendant?
POLICE OFFICER: What's the number to call?
Peter and the Police officer check the particulars in the file. In a personal data sheet, they see in the telephone column: Unwilling to disclose.
PETER: OK, there's nothing we can assist.
After Peter's returning to the court room, the court is in session again. Peter's case was called again with the same result.
PETER: Your Worship, the defendant doesn't disclose his phone number. There's no way we can get in touch with him now.
The court takes notice and stands down the case again. The Magistrate then proceeds to hear the other case. As Duty Lawyers#1 and 2 submit, Peter listens with interest.
PETER (V.O.): Oh, Defendants#1 and #2 were formerly husband and wife. The 4 children were theirs. They operated two shops, selling counterfeit trademark stuff.
We hear Duty Lawyer#1 asking the court for a further Report.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I know the Magistrate is kind-hearted. I've appeared before her. But she's bound by case precedents on tariffs.
INT. OFFICE - DAY (1997)
A Customs and Excise OFFICER chats with Peter (43).
OFFICER: Peter, it's easy for you to design the law. But we've to enforce them day in and day out. It's hard.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Anyhow, I don't condone free-riding.
The Magistrate adjourns the other case again as Duty Lawyer#2 seeks instructions from Defendant#2 in the dock.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It takes an unpleasant experience to make people change their ways.
Act 3
In session. Duty Lawyer#2 submits to the court.
MAGISTRATE: Okay, I'll sentence Defendants#1 and 2 together....Bail for Defendant#1 on existing terms; but Defendant#2 still has to be remanded.
Peter's case is called again with no different result.
PETER: Your Worship, I've to apply for an arrest warrant.
MAGISTRATE: Granted. Fresh Bail $1500.
The Magistrate exits.
PETER (V.O.): If the defendant didn't plead not guilty, if he didn't take a couldn't-care-less attitude, and if he provided a number to call, he wouldn't have to be arrested.
Peter closes a file.
PETER (V.O.): The important lessons in life are the ones people learn the hard way, as always.
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