Act 1
INT. STUDY - 11:00
Having dealt with some papers, PETER checks the time.
PETER (V.O.): I'll soon set off for a lunch meeting and then a HKUST briefing.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): A former HKU classmate called me a fortnight ago and said our common friend had mentioned about me.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): We haven't met for many years. And I couldn't recall our common friend.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): To meet again, our common friend is hosting the lunch. I worry that I might not be the Peter Cheung he has in mind.
Peter changes to smart causal dress.
Act 2
Arriving in an exclusive room, Peter sees a big table for four and GENTLEMAN#1 in a dark suit.
PETER: I'm Peter Cheung.
GENTLEMAN#1: Hi Peter.
As Peter looks surprised, Gentleman#1 takes off his face mask.
PETER: Oh it's you.
PETER (V.O.): My former classmate - a SC.
GENTLEMEN#2 and #3 arrive. A round of introductions.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It seems that I'm the right Peter Cheung...
As Gentleman#2 takes off his mask, Peter tries to recognise him.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I still couldn't remember. The other gentleman is his colleague.
GENTLEMAN#2: I remember well you held standing meetings in your office...
PETER (V.O.): Oh, few knew about this. I'm so forgetful.
PETER: Yes, I believe standing meetings are effective and efficient, especially on Monday mornings.
GENTLEMAN#2: Do you still play your guitar?
PETER: My last number was written when I turned 65. I've become preoccupied with my private practice as a barrister.
Courses of delicate food are being served.
PETER (Cont'd): As the guardian of copyright then, I wanted to showcase to the public that everyone could be creative.
Tea is being added to Peter's cup.
PETER (Cont'd): I began by writing and performing an original trilingual song in a farewell party so that all guests could sing a bit.
GENTLEMAN#3: How many guitars have you got?
PETER: Over 40. I wrote and performed a new song with a new guitar. I meant to donate my guitars for charity in due course.
Peter is the last to finish every course.
PETER (Cont'd): Song writing is time-consuming. I had many dry runs. So I've turned to writing and publishing short screenplays.
Peter pours tea for the Gentlemen.
PETER (Cont'd): I used to write 120-minute feature screenplays. Some should make good movies eg To meet Again in 1000 Years.
A. Peter says: Beginning. About 700 years ago, in a remote area in China, where clansmen live...
B. Peter highlights: Challenge. Upon hearing that they'll soon be persecuted, they break away, but pledge to meet again in 1000 years...
C. Peter ponders: Resolution. About 300 years from now, they meet again...
GENTLEMEN: Wow, what a plot!
PETER: I love it as I can tell a story's past, present and future in one dimension.
Attending the briefing, Peter makes interventions. At times, he checks his entrepreneurship fund on his smartphone screen.
PETER (V.O.): The Hong Kong stock market today is stagnating. There's nothing I can do about it.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): In the long term, I also want to make Hong Kong an international IP Trading hub, but I can't dictate the market forces.
Act 3
INT. STUDY - 19:00
PETER (V.O.): Before the briefing, another friend remarked that what I could achieve in a few years, others couldn't accomplish it in a lifetime. It's quite a compliment.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): At the lunch meeting, I was struck that what I said and did could be resonating in a person's mind for many years. That's a great feedback.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I thank them for bringing out some reflections of my life.
Having checked the time, Peter leaves with his swimming gear.
